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Saturday, March 22, 2008

Sh Br 38: Beloved

Shiite Muslims – a people God is pursuing to be Jesus’ Bride

Zeina is a 23 year old Shiite follower of Jesus. Will you pray for her this week and a wonderful project she is working on to reach Shiite women?

Zeina took a small booklet a dear friend wrote, added her unique perspective as a Shiite follower of Jesus, and had it professionally printed. It's called "Beloved Women of God," and each page features a simple New Testament story in Arabic showing how Jesus interacted with women.

Followers of Jesus are distributing these booklets to Shiite women in several lands over the next few days leading up to Mother's Day, which is this Friday, March 21, in Middle Eastern countries.

As you remember our Savior's Amazing Love this Good Friday and celebrate His resurrection this Easter Sunday, will you thank Him that He is still transforming women's lives in the Middle East? Pray for Shiite women who will encounter Jesus as they read and hear the following stories.

Luke 7:36-50
A woman broke an alabaster bottle of perfume over Jesus' feet and washed his feet with her tears.

John 8:3-11
A woman was caught in adultery but when Jesus wrote in the dirt, all her accusers left. Jesus said, "Go your way, and from now on, sin no more."

Luke 8:43-48
A woman had a hemorrhage for 12 years but when she touched Jesus' garment she was immediately healed.

John 4:1-26
A woman met Jesus at a well in Samaria. He asked her for a drink, and ended up telling her everything she had ever done. He told her God is looking for true worshippers who will worship Him in spirit and truth.

Luke 13:10-17
A woman had a sickness and could not stand up straight for 18 years. Jesus laid hands on her and immediately she was healed and began glorifying God.

Luke 7:11-17
A widow's only son died. When Jesus saw her, he had compassion on her, touched the coffin, and said, "Young man, I say to you, Arise." The dead man sat up and began to speak, and Jesus gave the boy back to his mother.

Friend of His Shiite Bride, pray for Shiite women who will be reading and hearing these stories about Jesus. As the booklet is read and shared orally with other women who cannot read, pray that many Shiite women will discover that they are "Beloved Women of God."

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