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Sunday, January 04, 2009

Sh Br: Day 7 The Passion

Shiite Muslims – a people God is pursuing to be Jesus’ Bride


Please continue to fast and pray for Shiite Muslims now through Wednesday, January 7, dear Friend of His Shiite Bride.

Today in addition to praying that Shiite husbands and fathers (heads of households) enter Jesus' sheepfold, will you pray that Shiite Muslims will be riveted on the passion of Jesus and remember ALL that Jesus went through to give then right standing and access to God?

This Ashura concludes in most countries around the world on Tuesday, January 6, but we are asking you to intentionally intercede for Shiites one extra day through Wednesday ~ like a final outcry to God on Shiites' behalf as their lives return to normal after Ashura.

Pray and fast with your friends and family this Ashura! For the latest updates and media resources, visit

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