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Ashura 2009 Video

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Saturday, December 19, 2009

Another video!

Shiite Muslims – a people God is pursuing to be Jesus’ Bride

 Hello, dear friends,

Thank you for praying for Shiites during Ashura. I just received word that one Iraqi Shiite family with ten children from Karbala visited with followers of Christ yesterday and listened to His Story from start to finish – just like we’ve been asking based on the story of Cornelius and his family in Acts 10. Pray that this Shiite family and many others like them will enter Jesus’ sheepfold this Ashura.

As we celebrate the Word becoming flesh and dwelling among us this Christmas, may millions of Shiites encounter the Babe who shed His blood and now reigns as King over all nations. May our passionate Bridegroom hear us ask Him through fasting and prayer to keep pursuing His Shiite Bride especially now through December 27th.

Here is one more video that some friends of ours just produced to help you pray and fast for Shiites. Take a look!

If you haven’t seen this short Ashura video from Create International, check it out, too:

And finally, I encourage you to visit these sites for more videos, photos, a Ten Day Prayer guide, and to sign up for daily prayer updates:

With our thanks and blessings,

Grace, for many in His Body

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