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Monday, March 05, 2007

[ShBride 12] Finding More

Shiite Muslims – a people God is pursuing to be Jesus’ Bride

The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. James 5:16  NKJV

She said in a stern voice, "I'll never become a Christian because I would never wear short sleeves and low cut tops, much less take off my head scarf.

"No, no you don't understand," I responded. "Jesus is for everyone! He doesn't want you to turn your back on your family and community. The Lord is interested in your heart.  As far as dress, He does not want you to be immodest."

She whispered in a soft voice, "I know Jesus is special, but tell me how?"

"He carried your sins - all our sins - to the cross. He died and was raised again, and now sits at the right hand of God. Through His obedience and death He has made it possible for there to be reconciliation between sinful man and the one holy and true God."

Her voice raised and she said, "This is the first time I have ever heard anything like this, and it is beautiful!"

There are many Shiite Muslims seeking God and asking for revelation and clarity in their daily lives.  Many are happy within their daily choices of dress, religious practice and community, but are aware there has to be MORE.

When a Shiite Muslim understands that a relationship with Almighty God does not depend on dress or politics, but rather, obedience to His Word and living a life of faith, many open up and want to follow Jesus.

We gladly share the news with you that a large Shiite family chose to follow Jesus last weekend! They collectively responded in simple, childlike faith when they heard His Word proclaimed by three followers of Jesus.

Pray for more Shiite Muslims to find the "more" they are seeking for. Pray they find Jesus! Pray that they hear His Word and understand what it means to follow Him.

Together, may we see His Word in its purity and simplicity as the Good News it really is for all peoples.  May Shiite communities across the earth continue to embrace Jesus and make Him known to others!     

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