Shiite Muslims – a people God is pursuing to be Jesus’ Bride
...You will weep no more. He will be gracious if you ask for help. He will surely respond to the sound of your cries. Though the Lord gave you adversity for food and suffering for drink, he will still be with you to teach you. You will see your teacher with your own eyes. Your own ears will hear him. Right behind you a voice will say, "This is the way you should go," whether to the right or to the left. - Isaiah 30:19-21 NLT
Our family read these words of the Prophet Isaiah out loud together this morning as we prayed for our Shiite friends. We believe that many Shiites saw Jesus and heard his voice this Ashura, and in faith, we join you in believing that many Shiite Muslims entered Jesus' sheepfold today.
You may have seen one of today's Ashura gatherings on your television news, or on the Internet. As I write this, this final tenth day of Ashura is coming to a close in the Middle East. Millions of Shiite Muslims around the world marched and beat their chests and heads in sorrow this morning, thousands of them bleeding profusely in ways that I can barely describe to you.
In the midst of today's sorrow, you and we were praying, and God was - and still is - listening and responding!
In upcoming emails and visits, many of us who live and work among Shiites will share stories of what God did these past ten days during Ashura. God will give you and us glimpses of what He did as we prayed and fasted together, revealing specific answers to what we prayed for; some things we will see, and some things we may never see. But aren't you glad we looked to God these past ten days and nights, and that we agreed together and with Him for Shiites?
We send our heartfelt thanks to you, your family, and friends who prayed and fasted for Shiites these past ten days during Ashura. Be alert alongside us in the coming days and nights to recognize how God answered. Tell us what you see!
Always, for God's glory among Shiite Muslims!
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