Shiite Muslims – a people God is pursuing to be Jesus’ Bride
Friend of His Shiite Bride, keep asking the Father for Shiites.
In search of true peace, Shiite friends Hakim and Walid decided to go to a church in the Muslim nation they call home.
At the church they met a pastor who began to disciple them, and they eventually saw that there is peace in Christ. They chose to follow Jesus personally!
It's not clear whether Hakim has truly committed himself to Christ or if he is just saying he's following Jesus to be different. Pray that Hakim quits play-acting his faith in Jesus and embraces Him in spirit and truth.
Walid, on the other hand, is using the Internet to tell other Muslims about the beauty of knowing Jesus personally! Not only is Walid growing in his faith through the pastor's intentional teaching and mentoring, he is sharing what he learns with others. He has been chatting on-line with men from other Muslim countries, talking to them about God in ways they will understand and not become immediately defensive. His heart is to help them see the lack of peace in their lives.
Pray for Walid and other Shiite followers of Christ who are proclaiming God's Truth through on-line chat rooms, email correspondence, and cell phones. Ask God to give them discernment as they talk with Shiites as well as with Sunnis about the saving power of Jesus Christ.
Ask God to open the eyes and ears of every Muslim who goes on the Internet or who calls or sends an SMS seeking answers. Pray they see and hear Jesus and begin following Him.
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