Shiite Muslims – a people God is pursuing to be Jesus’ Bride
Zeina is a 24 year old Shiite follower of Christ. She just got a new job working at a large print shop, and quickly received authority to serve as an assistant to the print shop's Sunni Muslim owner.
She is overseeing a Mother's Day project to print a revised version of a little booklet called "God's Beloved," featuring six stories of Jesus' encounters with women from the New Testament.
In the past month since Zeina began her job at the print shop, openly working on the "God's Beloved" booklet, some of her fellow employees, young Sunni Muslim guys, have been making fun of her, calling her a "blasphemer" for working on projects that talk about Jesus.
It makes Zeina sad, and she cried the other day as she told me about it, but she is forging ahead in obedience to the Master, telling me she is so excited about the booklet, anxious for many Muslim women to hear the Good News and see Jesus for themselves.
In the meantime, another Shiite woman started bringing additional print jobs to Zeina's new workplace, asking them to print notebooks with Bible verses on them to give to Muslim children. This influential Shiite lady wants 500 copies of the "God's Beloved" booklets to distribute among Shiite women next month! With Zeina distributing 2000 copies, and other friends giving out thousands more, many Muslim women will discover that Jesus is truly the Mercy of God.
Zeina's dream is to have the six stories from the "God's Beloved" booklet professionally recorded this year, "So my mother can hear the stories," she told me (her mother cannot read).
Friend of His Shiite Bride, pray for Zeina and for those of us who are assisting her to complete both the printed and audio recorded versions of "God's Beloved" in time to distribute among Muslim women on Mother's Day in the Arabic speaking world, March 21.
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